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Boucheville and Fanges forests

Boucheville Forest, climatic crossroads

Boucheville forest is situated due west of the Fenouillèdes, around the villages of Fenouillet et Vira. A truly climatic crossroads under three main climatic influences clearly visible in the various species of tree life: The Atlantic beech trees, The Mediterranean green oak trees and the Mountain pines. A unique region with striking scenery and ecologically rich. Boucheville was once mined for coal. Logs were transported down to the ancient port of Caudies -de-Fenouillède on the river Boulzane, where they were lashed together into rafts that were then floated down to the plain and the coastal ports. They were also used in carpentry. You can discover the wonders of Boucheville, including many 200 year old trees, by hiking or biking along the various footpaths and mountain bike tracks that exist in the forest.


Footpaths for hiking:

  • Le Chemin du facteur : topoguide Corbières-Fenouillèdes à pied, Editions Chamina
  • La Source des verriers : topoguide Corbières-Fenouillèdes à pied, Editions Chamina
  • Aux Portes de Boucheville : topoguide Corbières-Fenouillèdes à pied, Editions Chamina
  • Le Sentier de Fenouillet : topoguide Corbières-Fenouillèdes à pied, Editions Chamina


Mountain bike tracks:

  • Les hauts de Boucheville : topoguide 20 Randonnées VTT en Fenouillèdes


The Royal Fanges forest

Ancient Royal forest, the dominant forest ‘des Fanges’ grew to maturity under Colbert who designated the large mature pines for use in naval shipbuilding during the reign of the Sun King. The forest is situated at the edge of a Karstic plateau bordered in part by the Gorges de Pierre Lys and partly by the road between Quillan and the ‘Col de Saint Louis’. A pot holing paradise with over a 100 caverns, dolmens and tunnels.



  • Le Sentier des Grottes : topoguide Corbières-Fenouillèdes à pied, Editions Chamina